Welcome to CUEplyaer.
The new and improved music player for iOS.
CUEplayer include the following features:
01. Split long music into separate tracks and save them as a CUE file that act as a playlist.
02. Connect new CUE file.
03. Disconnect exist CUE file.
04. Select music from Albums,Artists,Podcasts,Songs and unique to CUE Player "Recents play".
05. "Recents play" - Every music file that you listen to is saved for later use.
06. Change player skin.
07. See the exact song title name - no more "...".
08. Share the song title name over Facebook(c) , Twitter(c) and E-mail.
09. Control music when screen is locked or in background mode.
10. Control volume level.
11. Improved now playing info on screen lock,including artwork.
12. Seek forward/backward with speed of x2,x4,x6,x8.
All the others do the regular things.
CUE Music Player Exceeds all.